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Jan 2023   I’m a title. Click to edit me.

Jan 2023   I’m a title. Click to edit me.

Jan 2023   I’m a title. Click to edit me.

Journal Publications

Jan 2023   I’m a title. Click to edit me

Jan 2023   I’m a title. Click to edit me.

Jan 2023   I’m a title. Click to edit me.

Jan 2023   I’m a title. Click to edit me.

Academic Publications 

- Claude Bernard -

“The joy of discovery is certainly the liveliest that the mind of man can ever feel”




Middlebury Institute of International Studies                                                         Spring 2020

Candidate M.A. in International Education Management

Bachelor's in International Studies                                                                        April 2016

California State University East Bay

  • Major: International Studies

  • Minor: Chinese Modern Language and Cultural Studies

  • Related coursework: Study Abroad (National Taiwan University), Language and Culture, Global Systems.

Key qualifications



  • Fluent: Spanish

  • Beginner: Chinese

  • Intermediate: Ukrainian

  • Technology

  • Microsoft word / Power Point/ Excel

  • Tech and social media knowledge  



  • Excellent customer service skills

  • Intercultural competencies

  • Adaptability in new environments

  • International experience

  • Independence, self-reliance, and responsibility

  • Patience and perseverance

  • Organizational skills



  • Organized and directed a GLOWBE camp of 70-100 participants, changed perspectives of young members of the community through genders equality, consent, diversity, empowerment etc.

  • stablished extra-curricular activities that resulted in 100 students joining

  • Led workshops for teachers of the community about teaching methods

  • Represented responsibly the people, culture, values, and traditions in my host country (Ukraine) and community


Study Abroad Marketing

Center of International Education at California State University East Bay          2014- August 2016

  •  Promote Study Abroad through social media, information sessions, and presentations

  • Plan and prepare Pre-Departure materials

American Language Program (ALP)                                                                    2011-2013, 2014- Spring 2016

  • Provide assistance with level of language proficiency for international students by improving their English including: Listening, Writing, Speaking, and Reading skills.

  • ·Build friendships that will last a lifetime    

  • Intercultural communication  

Study Abroad                                                                                                      Fall 2013-Spring 2014

 National Taiwan University 

  • Global mindedness, appreciation of diversity, cultural awareness, customs and cultural differences    

Travel                                                                                                                   2013-2018

  • Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Ukraine, USA,  Poland, Hungary, UK                                                                                                                                                                                                                               


Peace Corps Ukraine  Higher Education

Peace Corps Ukraine TEFL Higher Education Teacher                                     

Krymskyi Pedagocical College (Volodymyr-Volynskyi)

  • Taught English lessons to students ages 15-19 with co-teachers in a small town while living with a local host family (class sizes ranged from 10-20 students)

  • Incorporated critical and creative thinking activities into daily lessons with a focus on character development

  • Planned and lead seminars for teachers of the community

  • Lead extracurricular activities such as English club, Film club and Spanish club for students and at an NGO for the community

G.L.O.W.B.E                                                                                                          (a combination of GLOW and TOBE) (Girls leading our world and Teaching our boys excellence)

  • Week long Empowerment program for boys and girls ages 14-18 years old

  • Facilitate discussions on topics such as consent, human-trafficking, diversity, gender equality, healthy relationships etc.

  • Direct, teach and provide materials to volunteers/ counselors 

  • Summer Camps

  • Helping Peace Corps Volunteers with summer camps

  • Facilitate discussions on topics such as self-esteem, empowerment, gender equality, leadership and teamwork etc.

  • Assist with youths ages 9-18

  • Tedx Education IvanafrankaSted independently organized event

  • Helped and was engaged in the planning of TedX in Chernivtsi

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